MESC19 Toulouse Visit

From 22nd to 24th of May 2024, Julie Bodelu from the I-MESC administrative team in coordinating team in Amiens visited the students in their second semestre in Toulouse. During this visit the students had the opportunity to visit the Airbus facilities.






On Thursday 23rd of May the students visited both the Airbus production sites and museum. 

It was a great occasion to the some of the most iconic plane models of the company such as the Concorde and Super Guppy. 

On Friday 24th of May, Mrs. Bodelu and Mrs.Giacomi from UPS Toulouse administrative team had a meeting with the students in order to detail the next steps for semester 3 and summer internships. 

This meeting was also a gret time to exchange on semester 2 in Toulouse. 

We wish good luck to the all class for their final exams !


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